December 7, 2015
The battle for the soup bowl continued on Saturday in the 45th edition of Golden Gate Yacht Club's Manuel Fagundes Seaweed Soup Regatta in what could best be described as a wind prognosticator's nightmare… Read on…
November 16, 2015
"Pleasant and lovely!" "A whole lot of fun!" These are just a couple of the comments heard at the Berkeley Yacht Club bar after Saturday's Midwinter race. Read on…
October 16, 2015
Two days of nice, windy, decently civilized racing in the East Bay was fun for locals and mildly discomforting to lake sailors. Read on…
October 12, 2015
Richmond Yacht Club started up its 2015-2016 Winter Junior Program on October 4. It’s a generational thing. Read on…
August 27, 2015
The OYRA/SSS Drake's Bay Race on August 22-23 was exhausting, slow, and exciting. I was a very tired old sailor by the time I arrived home. The sailing was slow, but… Read on…
August 27, 2015
The Gulf of the Farallones is alive with sea life of various sorts and they put on a show for us while we were sailing and while we were anchored in Drake's Bay. It continued even when… Read on…
August 20, 2015
This was a truly fun day on the water, with a great group of singlehanders, none of whom took themselves too seriously for… Read on…
July 30, 2015
This year's OYRA DuxShip Race was nearly picture perfect. The race started out with a nice westerly wind coupled with a light ebb to flush… Read on…
July 27, 2015
We're sorry to report on the death of a second local sailor in as many weeks. Read on…
July 26, 2015
We heard the Star Spangled Banner coming from AT&T Park in the marina Saturday morning on race day and it was like our regatta was the big league sporting event.
July 22, 2015
Bay Area sailor Gary Sadamori passed away from heart failure on July 12 at home in San Francisco. Read on…
July 21, 2015
Every Wednesday night is sacred to the crews of thirty or so boats that enjoy racing in the 75-degree waters of the South Bay. Despite rumors of keel grabbing mud monsters below the San Mateo Bridge… Read on…
July 20, 2015
The weather forecast was perfect, and all the signs were good for a great regatta. Read on…
July 8, 2015
I've sailed dozens of these races over the years and usually they're a run with the prevailing wind coming out of the northwest, pushing boats down the coast with colorful spinnakers blossoming. Every few years it's different; this year's OYRA race was one of those. Read on…
June 25, 2015
The 2015 Sausalito Yacht Club Spring Sunset Series ended on Tuesday with a delightful romp from Pt. Knox to… Read on…
June 18, 2015
In ten days, the legendary ocean racing yacht Dorade will attempt to repeat her first significant victory when she starts on the… Read on…
June 7, 2015
This was a very physically and mentally demanding race… Read on…
May 9, 2015
The plan was to start at the committee boat, but the current Saturday morning wasn't in the plan apparently. We found ourselves down-line and behind when… Read on…
May 9, 2015
It was clear that Sunday's race back down San Pablo Bay to the finish line near the east end of the Richmond Bridge was going to be a different animal than Saturday's sunny run up… Read on…
April 30, 2015
Depending on which wind forecast Sausalito Yacht Club's Spring Sunset racers consulted, they found predictions of wind between 6 and 30 knots for April 28's first Tuesday night race. Instead, they found… Read on…
April 28, 2015
The 42 boats starting hurtled toward
the Golden Gate Bridge, with most passing under the span in less than
15 minutes. Almost everyone stayed on the conveyor belt in the middle
as they passed Land's End and sailed into the washing machine awaiting
them beyond… Read on…
April 20, 2015
Ninety-seven boats started in the Singlehanded Sailing Society's Round the Rocks Race on Saturday. That's 19 more boats than last year, and as the overall numbers for racing on the Bay have been going down, the SSS continues to gain boats in all of its races. The reason… Read on…
April 20, 2015
The wind was back – sort of – for Sequoia Yacht Club's Summer Series Race #1… Read on…
April 13, 2015
Island Yacht Club's Doublehanded Lightship Race was 'light' in both entries and early wind. But the competition made up for the low number of boats, and the wind arrived to make it a wonderful romp across the Gulf of the Farallones to the… Read on…
April 6, 2015
Once a year the 8-ft El Toros get to stretch their legs in a dash across the Golden Gate from Sausalito to San Francisco. The 62nd running of the Bullship drew 22 boats… Read on…
March 23, 2015
'Kind of blue' describes the Singlehanded Sailing Society's Corinthian Race held on Saturday. Not for sadness, but for the feeling of the semi-blue skies just before the rain and the mixed conditions of calm and wind throughout… Read on…
March 18, 2015
The unsteady breeze kept all fleets alert as fresh crew shook off the cobwebs and fresh sets of sails took on their first tacks and douses… Read on…
March 16, 2015
Conditions allowed for a full six-race regatta, showcasing tight competition in five fleets: Club 420s, Laser Radials, Laser Standards, 5o5s and Wetas… Read on…
March 9, 2015
At Richmond Yacht Club's Big Daddy Regatta over the weekend the smiles on racers' faces reflected the good vibes and warm weather sailing that we are getting used to this winter… Read on…
March 6, 2015
We were afraid that it might rain on the parade. Not literally a parade, Sail a Small Boat Day is more of a cavalcade (again not literally) of… Read on…
March 2, 2015
It was another fabulous day on Sunday, March 1, on the Berkeley Circle. There was a light and almost steady wind from the northwest and sunshine with… Read on…
February 19, 2015
Sailing by the heel is especially effective downwind. In light wind and chop it’s difficult to get the boat moving fast. When conditions are windy and choppy… Read on…
February 16, 2015
The water was flat / The sky was blue / The breeze was delightful… Read on…
February 8, 2015
Many spinnakers blossomed on the first leg while other boats stuck with white sails in what became a series of running and reaching segments into the building… Read on…
February 5, 2015
Isn't that how it is at the end of January each year? Last minute decisions about which way to go and who to follow, followed shortly by second thoughts because going that direction begins to look… Read on…
February 2, 2015
A teaser…
February 2, 2015
…That gave us the initial strategy to go for Red Rock first and then let the wind decide whether we should… Read on…
January 29, 2015
"Which way are you going?" she asked. His answer was calm but predictable and confirmed the confusion in the room. "I have no idea, but…" Read on…
January 12, 2015
Whatever it’s called as practiced by the Berkeley Yacht Club Race Committee, it allowed BYC to complete a race each day of the third weekend of the… Read on…
January 5, 2015
The second Sunday of the Richmond Yacht Club Small Boat Midwinters saw steel-gray sunshine and bipolar wind conditions for the three courses set out in the Richmond Riviera. Read on…
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