December 28, 2024
December 28, 2022
December 29, 2021
June 20, 2021
On Friday, June 18, the 11 skippers, their supporters, and the volunteers from the Singlehanded Sailing Society gathered at Richmond Yacht Club the day before the big departure of the 21st solo race to Kauai. Read on…
May 20, 2018
Boats sailing Sausalito Yacht Club's first Spring Sunset race on May 8 faced a stiff flood with a moderate more-or-less west wind. The Race Committee set up a classic… Read on…
February 14, 2018
"We plan to race the Richmond beer cans and doublehand the SSS races. We have already spectacularly failed to finish the Three Bridge Fiasco this year, but…" Read on…
January 25, 2018
We slogged our way through two and a half hours of rainy-day Bay Area traffic to get to the Singlehanded Sailing Society's Three Bridge Fiasco pursuit race skippers meeting in Alameda, and were we glad we did… Read on…
November 13, 2017
It was a weekend BTR (Between the Rains) on November 11-12. Berkeley Yacht Club ran the first of their four Midwinter races. BTR often means light and I-don’t-know-which-way-to-go winds, and that was the case on…
September 13, 2017
Facing a morning flood, an afternoon ebb, and a very light offshore wind forecast, the Richmond Yacht Club race committee opted to keep boats inside to give them a reasonable chance to finish the race. Read on…
July 18, 2017
While world renowned professional sailors set off from Los Angeles to Honolulu on this year’s Transpac Race seeking glory and unbelievable speed, a much more modest and eclectic fleet of boats sailed by merely mortal sailors departed the Golden Gate Yacht Club on their quest for local glory and a few words in the Northern California sailing press… Read on…
June 6, 2017
The OYRA has two 'Race Committee's Choice' races for which the RC has a smorgasbord of choices. Depending on wind that morning, OYRA boats might visit buoys at… Read on…
May 15, 2017
Sausalito Yacht Club’s second Spring Sunset Race featured one of the oldest racing sailboats on San Francisco Bay, a piece of almost 100-year old history… Read on…
May 1, 2017
Many San Francisco Bay races have a 'backstory' — often a reason for naming lost in the mist of yacht club history, stored trophies last awarded to one-design fleets long absent from YRA’s active participation, or faint memories among the… Read on…
April 28, 2017
Some confusion with start timing rattled Division 1. The rest of the divisions figured out the timing, and, as the fleets sailed out into the ebb, racers were pleasantly surprised to find more wind than… Read on…
April 9, 2017
As Mount Tamalpais disappeared into a black squall and raindrops the size of grapes pelted down, the stalwart crew motored off into Richardson Bay’s gloom, hoisting the sail as… Read on…
February 20, 2017
This winter's wind and rain has played havoc on the Sausalito anchor-outs, and many of their boats have fetched up on… Read on…
February 14, 2017
Welcome, lovers and sailors, to our annual (mostly) feature about that part of the Venn diagram where the two overlap. This year's feature is in two parts. Enjoy!
January 18, 2017
Forty-two boats (about 77%) of the fleet came out to play on the Saturday of a three-day weekend. (Do we surmise that the remaining 23% were skiing? Hmmmm. We do know that one missing contestant didn’t go skiing, because instead he was stuck… Read on…
November 17, 2016
Midwinter racing on San Francisco Bay has begun. (At least the warm, light wind, flat water, strong currents part of Midwinter racing, that is.) Read on…
November 10, 2016
Every boat attire from full foulies to shorts and tees could be seen as the damp mornings evolved into… Read on… and check out the video here.
October 13, 2016
“I was basically looking for the ultimate weekend warrior’s boat — a boat for the Bay or ocean with the room and comfort of an Olson 30 and the performance and ease of handling of a Moore 24,” Terry Alsberg once remarked. Read on…
October 11, 2016
They have so much fun that they get back in line and do it over (and over) again. The hard part is getting them out of… Read on…
September 27, 2016
Maybe "yacht" isn't quite the proper term for the tenants? We also survived passing the Giant Swan twice! Read on…
August 29, 2016
By sundown, there was a tie for first, and third place was only two points behind. Since this was a no throw-out event… Read on…
July 27, 2016
Racers enjoyed a brisk westerly wind, which, along with a healthy flood current on the Alcatraz Shoal, created fast… Read on…
June 27, 2016
This year's OYRA Half Moon Bay Race got off to a good start with a healthy ebb and nice west wind. Read on…
May 31, 2016
A steady 12-15 knot breeze made for plenty of fast and fun sailing, and a few capsizes… Read on…
May 25, 2016
After starting, boats hugged the shoreline, short-tacking up the beach, giving brunch diners at St. Francis YC and dog walkers along Crissy Field close-up views of… Read on…
May 17, 2016
The race committee graciously allowed the two humpback whales swimming through the starting area to select their own course, which took them toward… Read on…
May 12, 2016
The race committee was delighted that a pack of 10 eager Richmond Yacht Club Juniors showed up ready to tackle this typically long, tough race. The Juniors stayed eager, but the weather… Read on…
April 28 , 2016
The 2016 SSS Round the Rocks Race started at the G mark on the Olympic Circle and finished at the Richmond Yacht Club, but not before stopping and starting several times on the way. Morning on the Circle brought… Read on…
March 21, 2016
As more boats tried squeezing in the sound of crunching fiberglass could be heard echoing around the Bay… Read on…
March 1, 2016
We've all seen that neglected boat sitting out in the rain and sun. Most of the time it's just a… Read on…
February 24, 2016
The 2016 Corinthian Yacht Club Midwinters wrapped up with a typical 'midwinter' weekend: two days, two completely different wind scenarios and lots of afternoon 3.9-ebb current to make racing even more… Read on…
February 12, 2016
"I once thought how amazing it would be to someday race on a boat like War Pony (LOL. Be careful what you ask for — you just might get it…" Read on…
February 8, 2016
Yes, we did race on Super Bowl Sunday. The fourth Sausalito Yacht Club Chili Midwinter competed with the Super Bowl on February 6. Everyone felt safe with Coast Guard Cutter and two inflatables in Richardson Bay, complete with… Read on…
January 28, 2016
SSS Race Chair Allen Cooper called the 367-boat race the largest in America. "No one has challenged that yet, so it must be true." Read on…
January 12, 2016
Since wind gods require much discussion among themselves before actually changing wind direction, there were quite a few holes for the racers to suffer… Read on…
January 5, 2016
Sausalito Yacht Club's Sunday Chili Midwinter race attracted 21 boats whose crews challenged the rainy weather forecasts to… Read on…
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